
Foot sceleton is made up of foot bones- ossa pedis. Those are ossa tarsi, ossa metatarsi and ossa digitorum. 

Ossa Tarsi are 7 bones.

Talus is a bone in the base of the foot.
It has 3 articular surfaces on its inferior surface- anterior, middle and posterior one with whom it connects to the heel bone.
Other significant parts of the talus are:
        Corpus tali- the body of bone
        Trochlea tali- the roll of talus in posterior part of its body
        Facies superior tali- upper surface
        Facies malleolaris medialis- medial ankle
        Facies malleolaris lateralis- lateral ankle
        Sulcus tali- groove between the posterior and middle articular surface
        Collum tali- talus neck
        Caput tali- the head of the talus- has a spherical shape.

Calcaneus- heel bone.
Parts of it:
        Tuber calcanei- monticule of calcaneus
        Sulcus calcanei- groove between the upper articular surfaces
        Sinus tarsi- groove that is made up from sulcus tali and sulcus calcanei
        Sustentaculum tarsi 
        Anterior, middle and posterior articular surface on its upper surface.
        Anterior articular surface that articulates with os cuboideum. 

Os Cuboideum- cube shaped bone
Has 6 surfaces out of whom 3 are articular surfaces- the posterior one that articulates with calcaneus, the front one that articulates with ossa metatarsalia and medial that articulates with cuneiforme laterale. 

Os Naviculare- ark shaped bone.
Has a posterior surface that articulates with caput tali and an anterior surface that articulates with all three of ossa cuneiformia. 

Ossa Cuneiformia (3)- wedge shaped bones
There are three ossa cuneiformia- os cuneiforme mediale, os cuneiforme intermedium and os cuneiforme laterale. In back they articulate with os naviculare, with front with ossa metatarsalis and with sides they articulate with each other as well as with os cuboideum.

Ossa metatarsi (5)
Each one has:
         Basis ossis metatarsi- base of bones
         Corpus ossis metatarsi- bone body
         Caput ossis metatarsi- bone head
         Spatia interossea metatarsi- space in between bones

Ossa digitorum sine phalanges
Each finger except hallux (first finger, thumb) consists of three phalanges- phalanx proximalis, phalanx media and phalanx distalis. Each phalanx has basis phalangis, corpus phalangis and caput phalangis. Distal phalanx has tuberositas phalangis distalis- nail base.

Ossa sesamoidei- extra bones that can be formed in feet. Usually located near first ossa metatarsalis.

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